Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sight Word Strategies Linky

Hello everyone! I know I already posted about my new sight words game, but then I came across this awesome linky party. And well, since I am always a day late...I just re-posted. Is this against blogging rules? I am not wanting to be turned in to the blogger police, or have any instructional criticism. LOL!
Did I ever tell you I ramble? Meanwhile back at the linky...

Teacher to the Core
I introduce 5 new words every week. I have index card cut in half and hole punched. Each child gets 5 cards. We write our new words together and place them on a ring. Each child has their own set. Oh, I forgot we number these cards, and during random times carefully planned times, I say get out your word rings and I call out a number. The students race to find that number and the first one that finds the number stands up. I call on the student who must read the word correctly. The kids love this. This is just one of the many things I do with our sight word rings.Here is a glimplse of the sight words "I have. Who has?" game I have at my store.

Ok, that's all folks!
Don't forget to check out Teacher to the Core! Have a great night!


  1. I have nominated you for a Leibster award! It is an award to attract more followers to your blog. Read all about it on my blog http://www.officiallyafirstgrader.blogspot.com.

  2. I found your blog through the Liebster Award posts and have become a new follower. I know you have already been nominated, but I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my blog post to see more about it!

    Adventures in First with Mrs. Key

  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me!

  4. HI! Thank you for joining my linky party! You are not late! I love your "I have. Who has?" It is so cute!

    Katie Knight
    Teacher to the Core
